10,335 צפיות
'למה נגרע' בחנויות המוזיקה: http://www.playlink.co.il/item/social/93
להזמנת אירועים ומופעים
נייד: 054-8486766
מייל: yitziackerman@gmail.com
Booking & info
Mobile: +972548486766
Email: yitziackerman@gmail.com
לחן: איצי אקרמן
עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית: אלי קליין & איצי ברי
גיטרות בס ויוקילילי: נחמן הלביץ
חלילים: דור אסרף
קולות מקהלה: בחורי ישיבת מיר
הקלטת מקהלות : גלעד פוטולסקי
מיקס ומאסטרינג: אלי קליין & איצי ברי
עיצוב גרפי: שיעה ברים אורGינל
הפצה דיגיטלית: פליילינק
יחסי ציבור: נתי בדש
געגועים עזים!
תודה לאלפי בחורי הישיבה ששרים את השיר הזה כבר שנתיים בקומזיצים איתי, על האש והכיסופין שהכנסתם לשיר.
Am Yisroel in the Midbar were to celebrate Pesach under very clear conditions - everyone must be pure
A group of Yidden came to Moshe Rabenu and asked "Lomo Nigora? Why should we lose out?“ Just because we are impure?!
Their question is very puzzling. Were the conditions not extremely clear?! To bring a Korban Pesach one must be pure… and they were impure.
The Rebbe Reb Mailach Biederman explains in the name of the Seforim Hakedoshim. The question was not a rational question, rather it was a cry of longing to be close to Hashem; a desire for closeness and devotion to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. The words "Lomo Nigora" erupted almost spontaneously from the depths of their hearts!
Hashem heard that תפילה and created a new Yom Tov called פסח שני.
Each and every one of us can all sound the same cry!
Although it's true that in order to get Ruach Hakodesh we need the Beis Hamikdash, the holy Neviim, and Torah giants - and we don't have all that - still the desire and passion for closeness to Hashem is still here.
This cry of “Lomo Nigorah” - we can all shout out loud, and we will be Zoche.
Amen kein yehi ratzon!
This song was written followed by a conversation with a struggling American yeshiva guy.
He was terribly frustrated with his level of ability (or inability) to learn Gemara. "You study Gemara and enjoy it, and I cough up blood for every minute in Seder"...
This conversation took on פסח שני, and the melody just came to life…
First and foremost, thank you Hashem for the privilege to play and create music; giving chizuk to thousands of yeshiva bochurim over the past few years.
A special thank you to my dear friend and chavrusa, the nogid R. Chuny Herzka, for his tremendous generosity and support for this project.
Such sweet memories from 14 years ago, as we sat every day for a year and a half on the benches of the Mir Yeshiva and learned together masechtas Sukka, Makos and Bava Kama.
How I miss those times!
Special thanks to Rabbi Groner and Yeshivas Ateres Shimon, especially to Ezra Eliyau (Heiligeh Ezra), for pushing me to get this song out.
And thank you to the thousands of yeshiva guys who have been singing this song for two years now in Kumzitzim with me, for the fire and passion you put into the song.
Composer: Yitzi Ackerman
Mixing and mastering: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Bass guitars and ukulele: Nachman Halvitz
Flutes: Dor Asraf
Choir voices: Mir yeshiva boys
Cover design: Shia Brim original