Zusha - Hareini Mechavein || זושא - הריני מכוון

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New Album out Jan 17 - Presave Here: https://linktr.ee/zushamusic

The lyrics of this song originate from a Kabbalistic intention to set one’s focus for the day.

הריני מכוון לעשות את עצמי כסא ומרכבה לשכינה הקדושה.

“Behold, I intend to make myself a throne and a chariot for the holy, divine presence.”

In essence it is a prayer and intention for us to remember why we are here. What is our purpose? Each day we are granted myriads of opportunities to formulate our thoughts, conversations and behaviors in ways that reveal G-d's infinite presence.

We recall a child who is so taken by the wonders of the world, the simplicity of playing and laughing with his toy horse and chariot. As adults we can become so serious and business-minded, and sometimes our technology, as beautiful as it is, can block our vision from seeing the potential that lays in front of us. If we can return to the world of the child to find the purity, and joy, we can realize our true destiny: to become a vehicle for the deepest light Gd has to offer.

Produced by Mason Jar Music

Directed and edited by Jon Seale
Cinematography and color correction by Ben Stamper
Aerial photography by Luke Sellick
Featuring Eitan Goldstein, Rav Shmuel Goldstein, and Jon Seale


לא נמצאו תגובות לסרטון. היה הראשון להגיב.
    עלייך להתחבר בכדי לפרסם תגובה.
    הבא בתור
    ישי ריבו - ימין ה' רוממה // מתוך פרויקט צמאה 3
    ★ סינגלים חדשים (מתעדכן)
    1,110,312 צפיות
