64,924 צפיות
Get the experience of a live Kumzitz with the world famous singer - Dudi Knopfler!
Lately, the American crowd became very into singing the Israeli /Hebrew songs, as they are beautiful & very connecting.
Therefore, Dudi decided to take you on an Israeli trip!
Enjoy, Like & Share!
Available to Stream Everywhere https://song.link/i/1579428106
בין קודש לחול - אמיר דדון, שלי רנד.
כל הנחלים - נפתלי קמפה.
שבורי לב - חנן בן ארי.
אמא - חנן בן ארי.
הלב שלי - ישי ריבו.
כנפי רוח - בני לנדאו.
Keyboard - Chesky Schwartz
Percussion - Meir Loeffler
Guitar - Nachmen Dryer
Flute - Menachem Friedman
Creative Director - Avrumy Lunger
Post Production - Nussy Landau
Choir Arranged - Yanky Braun
Mixed - Yaniv Balas
Project in Collaboration with The Yossi Shick Lable.
Video by - MUDEO Productions
Directed by - Moshe Grunfeld
Party planner - Yiddy Wagschal.
Hookah by - The Hookah Man.
Wine by - Lazer Wine Master.
A special thanks to Akiva Deutsch for hosting the event & to all the Holy Brothers who participated in the Israeli Trip!
To book Dudi for your next event contact:
Phone: 845-213-7910
#DudiKnopfler #IsraeliTrip #Kumzitz