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This song fell on me like a lightning. I was driving at the time when I received the music from a young man called יודי סיני. Each word penetrated me because I saw my self on each one of them. My eyes filled with tears, making it almost impossible for me to continue driving. At the time I understood that there is a reason that this special melody came to me. I would be the person who would bring it to the world. יודי wrote it at a difficult time in his life, where he went through a lot of judgment from others. The song talks about many different paths on the persons life and each of us has his own path. The most important thing is never give up, and when you fall, get up and become a stronger person. This Lyrics Video comes with the Portuguese subtitles too. Arragments by the amazing talented Benny Laufer. Enjoy!
Lyrics and Translation (Portugues):
לאן אדם הולך בכל חייו
Para onde a pessoa anda por toda a sua vida
לאן אדם צועד בכל דרכיו
Para onde a pessoa caminha em todos os seus caminhos
לאן אדם פונה בכל ימיו
Para onde a pessoa se dirige durante todos os seus dias
העולם הזה הוא כה מורכב
Este mundo é muito complexo
יש מסלולים רבים והמון דרכים
Existem muitos trajetos e vários caminhos
יש מבואות שונות והמון צורות
Existem corredores distintos e várias maneiras
יש תמרורים בכל הצמתים
Existem muitos sinais em todos os cruzamentos
רמזורים שונים בהמון צבעים
Semáforos distintos de várias cores
לכל אדם יש משאלות
Cada um tem desejos
לכל אדם יש רצונות
Cada um tem vontades
לכל אדם יש את דרכו
Cada um tem o seu caminho
חברים אומרים תשתנה
Amigos dirão Mude
מה לך דרכים שונות כמו זה
Para que caminhos tão diferentes como esse
מה לך עקבות כה גדולות
Para que passos tão grandes
תקטין אולי את הפסיעות
Diminua talvez os passos
לכל אחד יש אכזבות ונפילות
Todos tem desapontamentos e caídas
לכל אחד יש את הרגע בשעון
Todo mundo tem o seu tempo no relógio
אל תיפול אחי
Não caia meu irmão
תקום ותתעודד
Levante se e se fortifique
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Composed by: Yudi Sinai
Arranged by: Benny Laufer
Video: Avishai Levi Clip Media