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As a result of the recent global events, #BoneiOlam is several months behind in funding and in desperate need of assistance. Hundreds of couples are waiting for help, which can only be provided if people step up and be there for Bonei Olam.
The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted Bonei Olam’s ability to garner the funds needed for its life-changing services. Regular fundraisers and donor visits that had formerly sustained Bonei Olam were halted.
But the organization’s services were not. Not even for a day.
Because Bonei Olam doesn’t take a day off when Klal Yisroel needs it. It’s always there for others, no matter the time or period.
Bonei Olam’s supporters have thus launched an emergency national response undertaking to raise the funds and will be running a global Charidy fundraising campaign on Monday and Tuesday, July 6-7. This fundraising effort is crucial for Bonei Olam’s very survival.
Let us demonstrate that just as Bonei Olam has always been there for anyone in need, Klal Yisroel will be there for this world-class organization at this important juncture to enable it to continue creating miracles