Give A Smile - Beri Weber - געב א שמייכל - (תן חיוך) - בערי וועבער (Official Audio Clip)

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There is one viral contagion that we ALL want to be exposed to,
SMILE 2020
One person passes it to another.

It lives on every surface; in the cold and heat, in darkness and light!
If you catch it too, you will have the following symptoms; sudden dancing, general giggles and laughter.

Right now there is only one vaccine available to boost SMILE 2020.
”Give A Smile” געב א שמייכל composed by the Blumstein Brothers and delivered to you by none other than the man who spreads this contagious smile across the world:
“Beri Weber”.

This year has been so _different_-so let’s all make a _difference_ by “being the reason that someone smiles”

Our tzadikim teach us that happiness is an integral path to connecting to HASHEM.

This tune was inspired by each and every one of you, and the @tyhashem message that you spread throughout the world.

The lyrics were inspired by @ShimiAdar who uses her talents to bring out happiness and positivity every single day.

And of course @beriweber the artist who personifies this message, not only in his music but in his life as a Mashpia and as an artist who sings directly to the soul.

Let’s make this the mission of Summer 2020 - GEB A Shmeichel and Spread the Happiness!

Dedicated in memory of Reb Moshe Yitzchak Fish - “The Geb a Shmeichel Yid”
He one time asked the Satmar Rebbe ZY’A to Geb a Shmeichel, the Rebbe responded with a smile and said “Your name is Moshe Yitzchak, From the Lashon Tzchok, laughter and smiles, this should be your Avodah as a Moshe - to be the reason that someone smiles!”

Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Steve Krausman and Reb Daniel Wolfson for sponsoring this production .

Team TYH - @tyhashem

Performed by: Beri Weber
Composed by: The Blumstein Brothers
Production & Mix: Nir Graff/Baba Z
Directed by: Hershy Weinberger
Artwork by: Yanky Perl
Beri's Musical Content manager: Gershy Schwarcz

Beri Weber Management - Nachman Rosenblum: 845-537-5743

No Part of this video or song is to be copied sold published or uploaded anywhere or onto any sites across the internet. Not to be used for commercial or profitable use.
© 2020, All Rights Reserved to Beri Weber.

Download, listen to the song here:

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