36,478 צפיות
Song: Chiyuch Echad
Artist: Otsar
Composed & Arranged: Otsar
Director: Michael Revach
Cinematography: Avi hollander
Choreography by : Otsar
Recorded at Pitch Perfect Productions
By Alon Hillel.
Produced by Yaacov Abitbol
GooseProductions (c) 2014
tel:054 982 4767
Yehoshua Hassan, Eliyahou Ofir, Yosef Samuels, Shemaya Cohen,Yaacov Chayo,Yosef Peha ,David lev, Ariel Nissan ,Yonatan Rabinovitz, Netanel Riter, Shua Wagshal-Chairman, Ari Gotthelf, Mordechai Seltzer, Yisrael Kornfeld, Inspy Ration, Yosef Shalmoni, and The Shalmoni and Abitbol Families .
And of course to The One Above, The One and Only.
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